Looking for something different for their new contemporary furniture line, this retailer's challenge was to create a product line sheet that would be outside traditional furniture collateral. Using the owner's existing bright color palette and incorporating the ambience of linear design that matches their retail store displays, the piece became a real winner.
VIDA National Latino Aids Awareness Day Memorial Event Poster
CHALLENGE: To create a visual display that invokes the solemnity of having lost a loved one of Latin heritage to AIDS. Placing a single candle in the middle of darkness emblazoned with the much revered Virgen de Guadalupe icon conveys much with spare. The vector artwork required the perfect balance of light from the flame
Commercial Developer Identity
A developer seeking to capture the genuine essence of their commercial real estate ventures, this prospectus was also transitioned into slide presentations for use with prospects.
City of San Diego CFL Bulb Recycle Campaign Poster
A project for the City of San Diego to promote responsible recycling of compact fluorescent light bulbs to locations throughout the city.
City of San Diego Battery Recycle Campaign Poster
A companion piece for City of San Diego to promote responsible recycling of batteries. This campaign ran concurrently with a similar compact fluorescent light bult recycling program.
Newsletter Creations
FIVE created several newsletter publications custom tailored for various corporations and retail shopping center clients. Each project considered the owner's existing brand, issue content, and product or event photography processing. Content was created and/or edited to ensure reader engagement. In some cases, the entire piece had to be created, reviewed and put into production
Regional Theatre Season Brochures
Branding and Identity for a theatre company's seasonal offerings. Original illustration was created for each theatre production that could be leveraged into various vehicles such as posters, production program covers, newspaper,digital ad artwork, and environmental signage.
Nonprofit Poster and Table Tent
Window poster and counter card (done as a table tent) for nonprofit organization. Items were distributed to local businesses and dining establishments as a way to encourage donations to be matched by the nonprofit to worthy charities.
Manufacturer Technical Information Disc Jacket
Disc jacket created for a local manufacturer. The owner needed a disc to demonstrate technical compliance with architectural standard codes as part of a Continuing Education Series Program for the architecture industry. Shown with front and back covers to jacket.
Nonprofit Organization Business Cards
Business cards created for a new, local nonprofit. These cards incorporate a new logo also created by FIVE.